Grab Your Copy by FAITH.... It will Change your Life!
30 Faith Filled Stories is a book that will cause your FAITH to increase! It will cause you to want to follow the Holy Spirit and partner with Him every day! Only Believe!
Amy Cook
About me
I'm Amy Cook - A daughter of the King, a wife, a mother of 3, business owner and author. When we push past the realm of the natural and choose to live in the supernatural of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will take you on so many adventures. He will cause our paths to intercept with other people that will only happen when we walk along side Him..... Using our Faith! When we use our faith, we will witness the hand of God move Heaven and earth on the behalf of others! Faith will take you down a road that will leave you standing in wonder at what the Lord has done!
30 Faith Filled Stories is coming soon. This book will change your life and stir your faith to believe God for EVERYTHING!
The journey has been scary at times . There have been many of days that I have questioned Gods timing. However, He is faithful to continue to encourage me to continue to step by faith.
He said, “Amy, if you miss Me, I will honor your misstep. I will honor that you stepped out in faith.” God would rather you miss His voice and step out in faith than to never trust to step out at all.
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